The horse-drawn buggy is one of the most iconic symbols of the Amish. They come in many styles and colors, which would reflect the different preferences of that particular community. However even though many think the popular choice was the black buggy, this actually isn’t true.
The Amish have different buggies that are very similar to different types of cars and trucks that the Englishers drive. The market wagon is very similar to a station wagon, which has a rear panel that shifts.
The spring wagon, also known as the cab wagon, is the equivalent of a pickup truck.
The buggies that have gray tops belong to the Amish, and the Old Order Mennonites had buggies that were all black. Other differences within the buggies can be found based on the level of conservatism of the different church district leaders. These differences include things such as windows, windows wipers, batter powered head, tail, and directional lights, and the choice between rubber and steel rim wheels.
There is one facet of modern civilization that has been thrust upon the Amish buggy. After many accidents at night due to the darkness and fast moving cars, the Amish have begun to add reflective tape to the back of the buggies. The less conservative groups will have battery powered lights put on them along with slow-moving vehicle triangles.
Some have not conceded to this implementation because it is too “loud” or fancy.” There was even a case that was taken to the Supreme Court in Harmony, Minnesota over a divided community. They ruled in the favor of those who had resisted their use.
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